Visual Design - Complete
After another few days playing with the clay and aluminum flower petals, and watching a few creepy science fiction movies, the final scale model is complete. The Harmonizer design in front may change a bit, but the idea is that two people face each other at 24” distance, hear each others’ voices and have to sing to each other in harmony to trigger the sculpture… hope it makes people a bit nervous :) that’s the point!
I didn’t imagine myself building a chapel with an alter, but that’s what came out. I suppose connections happen in a chapel, makes sense. I’ll go with it.
Next steps are to invite the team to help build the base, scan the model and start building the life-form. I’ve decided to build the base in wood with faux-oxidized metal finish and to build the life-form (in white) from xps foam and fiberglass. I’ve never done any of this, so commence learning mode!